Category Archives: giving back

BReD is a certified B Corporation!

Posted on by Sandra Nomoto

As you may remember from last year’s B Corp post, we said we wanted to be a certified B Corporation because our mission has always been to have a bigger impact than simply baking incredibly tasty sourdough. BReD is a company that puts people, planet, and animals top of mind: “We have always wanted to […]

BReD Helps Trees for the Future Reach 200 Million Tree Mark

Posted on by Client

Silver Spring, MD (January 5, 2021) – Sustainable agriculture nonprofit Trees for the Future (TREES) announced Tuesday that they’ve planted more than 200 million trees around the world. Tens of thousands of farmers planted the trees on their own land over the last three decades in conjunction with agroforestry training provided by TREES. The milestone […]

For the Animals in every way… Doggy Treats Fundraiser

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When we first opened our Creekside bakery, we were often asked to make dog biscuits, which is hardly surprising since Whistler is home to so many beautiful dogs! But our first year in business was focussed on finding our feet, training staff, developing our menu and offerings for humans. Then along came Covid to throw […]

Team Effort for Australia Wildfire Crisis

Posted on by Client

Being from Byron Bay, our dishwasher Chris felt the catastrophe in his homeland was close to his heart and rallied his team mates at BRED to donate their cash tips for January to the cause. Priding ourselves on being an ethical business, when we see our staff extend their compassion and get involved in worthy […]

Whistler Skate Jam (second edition)

Posted on by Client

Support local. Support the youth. BRED is teaming up with some other cool peeps to sponsor and cater a skate jam at Whistler Skate Park! It is our second year putting on the event with Plenty Humanwear and long may the tradition continue. Skateboarding is not exactly at the forefront of Whistler sports given that […]