Tag Archives: Whistler

5 vegan skiers and snowboarders you should know

Posted on by Sandra Nomoto

As a bakery in a winter sports town, we try to keep up not only with the start and end of the snow season but also with familiar faces who might pass through our doors. We also love talking about notable vegans who show that it’s possible to do anything on a plant-based diet.  Here’s […]

We’re featured in Global Vegan Magazine as a Sea to Sky region restaurant!

Posted on by Sandra Nomoto

We’re always thrilled to see media that features BReD. This season, Brighde Reed featured the Sea to Sky region in an article titled “Vegan from Sea to Sky” for Global Vegan Magazine. We were elated (although not surprised!) to be featured in their restaurant roundup. Here’s the excerpt that features our region: Sea to Sky […]