Why you should take part in Veganuary

Did you know that November is World Vegan Month? Although it’s celebrated worldwide, not many people identify as vegan. However, more people may know about Veganuary, which takes place in January. And you absolutely do not need to be vegan to take part.

The holidays are approaching quickly! We thought we’d give you a rundown of what Veganuary is, so you can think about getting involved in just over a month’s time.

What is Veganuary?

Founded by Jane Land and Matthew Glover (co-founder of VFC), the first Veganuary event took place in January 2014. In 2015, the project registered 12,800 sign-ups.

Today, Veganuary is a non-profit organization that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. During the 2024 campaign, more than 706,965 people took the pledge to try a vegan diet. 

Throughout the year, Veganuary encourages and supports people and businesses alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering, and improving the health of millions of people. Follow them year-round for more tips on living a more plant-based or vegan lifestyle.

Over the next five years, Veganuary aims to make powerful strides toward a world where veganism is the norm rather than the exception. Read their 5-Year Strategy to learn more about their plan!

Vancouver Vegan Festival

How to take part in Veganuary

First, sign up online to take the Veganuary pledge. You will receive daily emails with meal ideas, recipes and lots of information to remind you of the importance of what we eat. By registering, you join a worldwide community of individuals all exploring veganism together as a means of improving their health, protecting animals or reducing their impact on the planet. Veganuary is an inspiring community which offers support, advice and friendship.

Here’s a tip: don’t sign up on January 1st! Deciding what to eat can require some meal planning, but it’s absolutely possible to shop for the groceries you’ll need ahead of time so you’re off to a good start in the new year. Vegnuary’s also a great opportunity to frequent the vegan or plant-based restaurants in your area or ask your favourite restaurants if they can make a vegan dish for you, if vegan options aren’t clear on the menu.

If you have signed up already, consider encouraging your family, friends and colleagues to join you. It’s free to take part, and everyone is welcome.

Other ways to support the campaign: 

Check out our past posts on vegan milks, vegan butters, and vegan baked goods to help you on your Veganuary journey. If you take part in Veganuary, be sure to tell us in February 2023 how it went!